Pooja & Dhaval

September 4, 2020
Couple Lost in Love

Pooja & Dhaval are one of those rare kinds of couples whom you can call ‘meant-to-be’ just looking at the way they carry each other. The way she tugs her hands into his arms every time when they stand together, and the way he holds his ground firmly supporting her like a branch to its leaf.!

Two different time zones, far away continents, an ocean of memories and heart-held dreams…If there is one thing that a relationship can’t take it easy, it is the ‘long distance’. Easily termed, but never really easy to experience in the first place. Dhaval & Pooja have braved the odds of time and distance, and seen the light. Dhaval on his wedding day also exclaimed that “Pooja, I remember the day when you said I would leave everything and come with you, wherever you will take me. Because our love was worthy. And at that moment I knew that our love was not for a reason or a season but for a lifetime. ”

Their decision resonated as colorful vibes throughout the wedding ceremony as the friends and family came together and rejoiced the occasion. Their happiness was contagious and stood lit throughout. We felt one with them, given all the time and space they gave to our team. It is truly a treat to work with people who understand your value and make you feel belonged.

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