Nikita & Devarsh

September 5, 2020
Whimsical Wedding Sendoff

Devarsh & Nikita’s wedding is very close to our hearts. Not only because we have been friends for a long time. But their wedding was so offbeat and interesting, that it deserves to be told as a story.

he first time they met each other was in college. But they didn’t acquaint themselves anytime after that. The next time they met was when Devarsh wanted a haircut and he initiated a conversation with Nikita who is a hair stylist. Both had a spark, Devarsh kept on travelling for work and stayed in touch with Nikita through social media. Once while coming back from Poland he got some souvenirs for Nikita. It was all strange to meet at home while they were still getting to know each other. But, they ended up meeting at home. Within six months we got to know they were getting married.

They have an amazing chemistry together. They laugh constantly; they are at ease around one another. Unconditional love in not just their hearts, but also in the hearts of their friends and family, both the parents instantly agreed for court marriage. And a wedding afterparty with close friends.

As wedding photographers & cinematographers. It was a rare opportunity for us to visit court instead of a grand banquet and cover a wedding without Panditji outside the temple. And we can’t thank Devarsh & Nikita enough for giving us all the creative freedom.


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